Sunday, June 18, 2017

NEW TITLE PICTURE.......Multratug 3 seen here at the Rio Tinto jetty 29th April 2017.

Alongside at the refit berth by 08:00 this morning on her first visit this season, Variety Voyager. The 67 mtr mega yacht caters for 72 persons will visit the port of Holyhead another seven times this year.

Mega yacht Variety Voyager all fast at the refit berth.

13th June saw former Lizard lifeboat RNLB David Robinson return to the water after a visit to Holyhead boatyard. The pictures below capture her return alongside the marina ready for departure to a new life since leaving the service.

The Tyne class not long before entering the water.

Heading towards a berth at the marina.

Ex RNLB David Robinson approaches the berth.

Two pictures from the 2nd June 2017, Corinthian a regular visitor to the refit berth during cruise season. Then during the same day at the Rio Tinto jetty, Wind Server took up the North end of the jetty only to be joined later in the day by Willem De Vlamingh. all three visitors being seen at Holyhead during the past year.

Corinthian seen here at the refit berth 2nd June 2017.

Wind Server and Willem De Vlamingh at the jetty 2nd June 2017.

Two vessels pictured from the 1st June 2017. First up an arrival in to the public quay, Jif Challenger. This 34m multi purpose vessel belongs to Jifmar services of France. Next up a visit to the marina by Smit Romney, Dover was home to Smit Romney which was built in Norway 2003 and is waterjet propelled and can reach a top speed of 35 knots.

Jif Challenger entering the port past the Admiralty pier lighthouse on the 1st June 2017.

Jif Challenger passing port control.
Final approach to come alongside the public quay.

Smit Romney all fast alongside at the marina.